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Jack the Super Prawn

Jack the Super Prawn

Jack the Super Prawn lives in the Barrier Reef and uses his powers to protect the environment. With JackVac, he cleans up rubbish and impurities in seawater. With JackCopter, he soars high into the air, where you wouldn't normally see a prawn. Of course, powers like that help Jack find and clear up waste plastic. But Jack's main job is to educate young readers.

Radioanalytical chemistry

Radioanalytical chemistry

ANSTO’s Radioanalytical Chemistry (RAC) facility combines techniques in radiochemistry and radiological measurement by alpha spectrometry, gamma-ray spectrometry, and liquid scintillation analysis to deliver radiological assessments.

Dharawal fishes

Aboriginal cultural heritage

ANSTO recognises the traditional indigenous owners of the land at all its sites and works to contribute to the recognition of the indigenous cultural heritage of Australia.

After your experiment

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions about the ANSTO Security Process, travel funding, ANSTO Research Portal and ACNS Customer Portal.

Travel Funding synchrotron

Travel Funding

The Australian Synchrotron provides funding support for successful beamtime applicants in the form of travel funding and/or onsite accommodation. Travel funds granted are to be used solely to cover the majority of the cost to travel to the AS facility. The User Office will book accommodation for interstate user groups at the onsite AS Guesthouse.

Tina Paneras
Radiation Safety Training Educator

Tina is a Radiation Safety Training Educator within Radiation Services. She is responsible for the development, maintenance, and delivery of radiation safety courses to different facets of industry.
