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Showing 641 - 660 of 936 results

Rob Russell biodeuteration


Biodeuteration involves the growth of microorganisms in a heavy water (deuterium oxide) culture medium supplemented with either a deuterated or hydrogenated carbon substrate, depending on the level of deuteration required. The biomass is harvested and the deuterated molecule (e.g. protein) is purified and characterised.

Imaging radiation

Gamma radiation imaging technology

A new imaging technology developed at ANSTO makes it possible to image, identify and locate gamma-ray radiation in a safe and timely manner.

Powder Diffraction beamline

Sample Environments

Sample environment types that are available on the Powder Diffraction beamline.

X-ray fluorescence microscopy

X-ray fluorescence microscopy

The X-ray fluorescence microspectroscopy beamline offers a range of x-ray absorption and fluorescence spectroscopy techniques at submicron length-scales. The beamline has two microscopes optimised for complementary studies.

Elliot Gilbert
Lead, Food Materials Science; Instrument Scientist, QUOKKA (Small-Angle Neutron Scattering); Honorary Professor, CNFS, The University of Queensland

Role at ANSTO

Rock art dating

Development of new techniques makes it possible to date Australian Aboriginal rock art.
