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Showing 601 - 620 of 825 results

Proposed new ANSTO waste facility

The independent nuclear regulator, ARPANSA, is currently accepting submissions about ANSTO’s planned $59.8 million Intermediate Level Solid Waste Storage Facility.

Star power reached in nuclear fusion

Australian scientists from ANTSO have congratulated their British colleagues for a major advance in their quest to develop practical nuclear fusion.

Radon - the new pollution watchdog

Atmospheric scientists have developed a new technique to measures the naturally-occurring radioactive gas radon for use in accurately categorising the degree of atmospheric mixing.


United Uranium Scholarship - Guidelines

This scholarship recognises outstanding ability and promise in the field of nuclear science and technology, specifically as it applies to nuclear energy. Successful applicants will demonstrate a history of interest in nuclear energy and a desire to continue this interest.

Big Ideas forum 2020

Big Ideas

ANSTO Big Ideas encourages students to creatively communicate the work of an Australian scientist, and explain how their work has inspired them to come up with a Big Idea to make our world a better place. This competition is intended to engage and support Australian students in years 7-10 in Science and encourage them to pursue studies and careers in STEM.

Aerial image of ANSTO's Lucas Heights facility

Statement of Intent

In May 2023, The Honourable Dr Annabelle Bennett, ANSTO Board Chair, shared ANSTO's Statement of Intent with the Minister for Industry, Science and Technology.

Ms Kellie-Anne Farrawell
Tritium Facility Officer

Role at ANSTO

Kellie-Anne Farrawell is the Tritium Facility Officer who works within the Isotope Tracing in Natural Systems platform within Nuclear Science and Technology.
