Showing 61 - 80 of 960 results
Fossilised remains of Ice Age top predator dated with radiocarbon
ANSTO strengthens its collaboration with IAEA to support environmental protection
Stronger research link with IAEA with the establishment of Collaborating Centre at ANSTO to support environment and cultural heritage activities
Looking back on 2016: OPAL has 300 days at full power

Highlights - Aerosol Sampling
ANSTO has been tracking and publishing data on fine particle pollution from key sites around Australia, and internationally, for more than 20 years.

See details of previously published customer updates from our Health products team.
Rare boomerangs used by ancestors of Yandruwandha Yawarrawarrka people dated at ANSTO
A rare collection of traditional Aboriginal wooden objects in varying degrees of preservation found along a dry creek bed in South Australia have been dated to a period spanning 1650 to 1830 at the Centre for Accelerator Science at ANSTO.
IAEA and ANSTO partner to support women in nuclear science and technology
This week women in science from 16 countries came together like never before. Inspiring women, young and old, were the first to complete the W4NSEC (Women for Nuclear Science Education and Communication) program that is designed to support women who are wanting to improve their education and communication skills in nuclear science.
Communicating the role of nuclear science for the IAEA’s Sustainable Development Goals
In cooperation with ANSTO and for the third year running, the IAEA has recently hosted a two-week online training course for women professionals working in numerous nuclear industries around the world, titled 'Women 4 Nuclear Science in Education and Communications'.
Transistors and NASA's radiation paradox: strength in detection, weakness in space operations
The nature of Metal-Oxide-Semiconductor Field Effect Transistors (MOSFETs) present a fascinating paradox in space exploration. Their strength in radiation detection becomes their weakness in space operations, exposing an Achilles' heel for NASA. Yet, these same devices monitor radiation doses received by humans on earth and in space.
You are what you eat
Cracking the code for crop nutrition and food quality with X-ray fluorescence microscopy.

ACNS-NDF Clip Day 2023

Role at ANSTO
Medals awarded to nuclear waste forms researcher and the late Professor George Collins
ANSTO joins Australian Government delegation at IAEA’s ICONS 2024 conference on nuclear security
Nuclear security experts and officials from Australia’s nuclear agencies have convened at the International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA) headquarters in Vienna, Austria last week for the International Conference on Nuclear Security (ICONS).
International Day of Light: 16 May

Role at ANSTO

ASP databases
Datasets from the Aerosol Sampling Program.