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Travel Funding ANSTO

Travel Funding

ANSTO may provide travel and accommodation support to successful grant applicants from AINSE member organisations. Travel funds granted are to be used solely to cover the majority of the cost to travel to Sydney.

Ms Kellie-Anne Farrawell
Tritium Facility Officer

Role at ANSTO

Kellie-Anne Farrawell is the Tritium Facility Officer who works within the Isotope Tracing in Natural Systems platform within Nuclear Science and Technology.

ANSTO Australian Synchrotron Guesthouse

Travel Support & Accommodation

A limited amount of travel support is available to students from AINSE member institutes to travel to the New User Sympsosium.

After your experiment

Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently asked questions about the ANSTO Security Process, travel funding, ANSTO Research Portal and ACNS Customer Portal.

Understanding the full impact of radiation on astronauts

Understanding the full impact of radiation on astronauts

In space, without the protection of the magnetosphere, the type and dose of radiation is considerably different to what is naturally experienced on earth. However, it is the secondary particles of lower energies created when galactic and cosmic radiation interacts with shielding that is of concern for astronauts.

International Space Station

Understanding the full impact of radiation on astronauts

In collaboration with the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM) and the French International Space Agency (CNES), ANSTO scientists are undertaking research on the radiobiological effects of secondary particles that are created when radiation interacts with the shielding on the International Space Station.

Partnerships at ANSTO


ANSTO works in partnerships and collaborative ventures with national and international organisations. Partner with ANSTO.
