Showing 301 - 320 of 528 results

Shorebirds Competition 2022
ANSTO is proud to host the Shorebirds Competition for the fifth year. This unique environmental poster competition is free to enter and offers over $4500 in prizes for students and schools!

Role at ANSTO

Role at ANSTO

ASP databases
Datasets from the Aerosol Sampling Program.

Eleanor is a crystallographer and instrument scientist helping researchers from all over the country use ultra-bright light to answer their scientific questions.

Dean was born in Wales and completed a PhD in X-ray optics at the Daresbury and Brookhaven synchrotrons. His first job was building a surface science beamline at Elettra in Italy.

Anonymised Review
ANSTO has agreed to participate in an Australian trial of a review of research infrastructure access proposals in which applicants remain anonymous to aid the removal of structural barriers to the career progression of Women in STEM.

Role at ANSTO

Before taking up her appointment at the Australian Synchrotron, Dr Cathy Harland was the ASRP (Australian Synchrotron Research Program) beamline scientist at XOR at the Advanced Photon Source in Chicago.

Shorebirds Competition 2021
ANSTO is proud to host the Shorebirds Competition for the fourth year. This unique environmental poster competition is free to enter and offers over $4000 in prizes (insert link to prizes button) for students and schools!

Role at ANSTO

Role at ANSTO

Role at ANSTO
Carl is a chemist working in radiopharmaceutical development.

Role at ANSTO


Gamma irradiation
ANSTO operates a range of cobalt-60 gamma irradiators, providing the Australian community with a range of irradiation services for medical, health, industry, agriculture and research purposes.

Bacteria-driven remediation of iron ore tailings
Billions of tonnes of iron ore tailings are generated each year from the mining industry. Converting these toxic tailings into soil-like materials which can develop and sustain plant and microbial communities is critical for mine site remediation and improved environmental outcomes.

UM2022 Speakers

Shenal Basnayake is CEO of the Australian Science Teachers Association and is responsible for leading a team of dedicated professionals committed to promoting the profession of school science education and enriching science teaching.