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Australian Synchrotron Stephen Wilkins Thesis Medal and Early Career Award announced

The 2023 Australian Synchrotron Stephen Wilkins Thesis Medal has been awarded to Dr Yanxiang Meng from the Walter & Eliza Hall Institute for Medical Research and the University of Melbourne for his research investigating the molecular mechanism at work in a form of programmed cell death, which is implicated in a variety of inflammatory diseases.

CORIS360® - New radiation imaging solution

Features and benefits

Overlaying a 360° x 90° radiation image onto a panoramic optical image of the scene, makes interpretation much easier. The spectroscopic detector at the heart of the imager enables the accurate visualisation and identification of sources across a broad energy range. 

Anna Sokolova
Instrument Scientist BILBY (SANS)/Small Angle Scattering Group Manager

Role at ANSTO

Oil and gas decommissioning

Oil and Gas Decommissioning

With more than 50 years of experience in monitoring natural and anthropogenic radionuclides in the environment, ANSTO can provide the crucial data and insights you need to assist with the planning and risk management associated with oil and gas decommissioning.



An analysis program for viewing and analysing near-edge X-ray absorption fine-structure (NEXAFS) spectra.

Monitoring air pollution and traffic density in Sydney

ANSTO Environmental Researcher Scott Chambers uses a naturally-occurring radioactive gas called Radon-222 to trace sources of pollution in the atmosphere. This data set contains hourly observations of meteorology, trace gas pollutants, Radon-222 concentration and traffic density collected from Western Sydney University (Richmond campus) in 2016. 

Commercial Access lucas heights

Industry Access - Lucas Heights

ANSTO’s Lucas Heights campus has an extensive range of specialised facilities and capabilities that are available to assist industry-based professionals in solving problems. Please contact us to discuss how we can assist you. We are open to entering into commercial arrangement with appropriate partners.
