Showing 241 - 260 of 332 results
Structural studies of silk
New infrared imaging technique reveals molecular orientation of proteins in silk fibres
Australian researchers reveal how the immune system’s ‘friendly fire’ can turn malaria deadly
Secondary school tours
Come and discover the world of nuclear science at ANSTO - book a school tour in Sydney today.
Nobel Prizes recognise insights at molecular and atomic scale
The Nobel Prizes for Physics, Chemistry and Medicine have been announced.
Collaborative research brings new insights into radioactive waste, nuclear fuel and nuclear waste forms
ANSTO researchers have demonstrated longstanding expertise in the study of nuclear fuel and radioactive waste with two recent journal articles in a special issue of Frontiers of Chemistry.
'Jekyll and Hyde' protein linked to type 1 diabetes
New technique to improve global climate models
An investigation that set out to resolve some of the uncertainty in the sources and quantities of pollutants reaching Antarctica has produced a new experimental technique to identify and characterise recently terrestrially-influenced air reaching Antarctica.
Beamtime Guide - XFM
Beamtime Guide on the X-ray Fluorescence Microscopy beamline at the Australian Synchrotron.
New approach can improve monitoring of contaminants in groundwater
The outcome could have significant implications for better monitoring, management and remedial action of groundwater globally.
New Joint Venture to manufacture GMP theranostic radiopharmaceuticals in Australia
Cyclotek and ANSTO have announced the launch of a Joint Venture (JV), to establish Australia’s first GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) theranostics facility starting in Melbourne, Australia.
ANSTO is the new production partner of OncoBeta® GmbH in Australia
Innovative medical device Rhenium-SCT® therapy for non-melanoma skin cancer is now available in Australia
Services - Koala
Sample environments, Data analysis and reduction on the Koala instrument.
Reducing, reusing and recycling mining waste
Two approaches use existing low cost and low energy technologies to reuse stockpiled waste from mining operations - capturing carbon dioxide in the form of valuable carbonate minerals.
United Uranium Scholarship - Guidelines
This scholarship recognises outstanding ability and promise in the field of nuclear science and technology, specifically as it applies to nuclear energy. Successful applicants will demonstrate a history of interest in nuclear energy and a desire to continue this interest.
Role at ANSTO
Microscale clues provide insight into cataclysmic Tongan volcanic eruption
In an effort to understand why the Tongan Hunga volcano eruption was so explosive, internationally-recognised volcanologist Prof. Shane Cronin of the University of Auckland and associates rely on beamlines at the Australian Synchrotron to support comprehensive research on the Hunga event.
Services - Taipan
Sample environments, Data analysis, SpICE and SICS