United Uranium Scholarship - Privacy Collection Notice
The United Uranium Trust Fund was established in 1966 for ‘the promotion and encouragement of scientific research and education in the field of atomic energy’. In accordance with the Trust Deed, the United Uranium Scholarship is awarded to ‘promising young scientists’ from any Australian organisation or institution whose research or work is in the field of nuclear energy.
Privacy Collection Notice
By completing this application form and providing documentation requested therein, you are providing personal information to the Australian Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation ABN 47 956 969 590 (ANSTO, we, us or our). This information is collected, used and disclosed by ANSTO in accordance with this collection notice, ANSTO’s Privacy Policy and the Privacy Act 1988.
Personal information collected and purpose
We are collecting the personal information noted in the United Uranium Scholarship Application form, including your name, postal address, phone number(s), email address, date of birth, citizenship status, development opportunity of interest, signature, tertiary qualifications and certificates, employment information, academic and professional awards, identity documents, professional and personal referee information (including information provided by your referee(s)) and other information you choose to disclose in your written statement. This information may be used for purposes related to the United Uranium Scholarship (the Scholarship) including:
- determining your eligibility to apply for the Scholarship;
- determining the award of the Scholarship;
- fulfilling any obligations we may have to other persons in connection with the provision of the Scholarship, including to the Trustee;
- promotional and marketing purposes; and
- for administrative purposes.
What are the consequences of not providing this information?
Where indicated as mandatory at the point of collection, you must provide requested information to us or your application will not be considered. A condition of acceptance of the scholarship is that you agree for your personal information (including your image, name and information related to the award and use or intended use of the scholarship funds) to be used for marketing and promotional purposes which may include publication on ANSTO’s website, in print media and via social media.
Who will my information be disclosed to?
Your information will be treated confidentially and on a need-to-know basis. It will be accessible to the United Uranium Scholarship Review Panel which comprises both ANSTO staff and third-party members with expertise in the field of nuclear science, and other relevant ANSTO staff including in our Research Management office, Nuclear Science & Technology division, Communications team and senior management team.
Your personal information may be shared with the Trustee and any third-party panel members. Third-party panel members may change from time to time and may include members from Australian universities.
Your information may also be provided to third parties as authorised or required by law.
Disclosure overseas
It is unlikely your personal information will be disclosed overseas, but this may happen.
You may access and correct your personal information
ANSTO’s Privacy Policy contains information about how you may access and seek correction of your personal information, how to complain about a privacy breach, and about how we will deal with such a complaint. You may contact ANSTO’s Privacy Officer by email for more information.
‘Trustee’means the Perpetual Trustee Company Limited (ABN 42 000 001 007), or such other trustee as is appointed to the United Uranium Trust Fund from time to time,including any of its officers, agents, representatives or employees.