Showing 241 - 260 of 277 results
ANSTO technology and expertise heading to Antarctica for atmosphere studies
Successfully navigating the challenges of replacing a component in a nuclear reactor
The installation of a cold neutron source (CNS), a component that reduces the energy and speed of the neutrons from a research reactor for use in scientific instruments, was successfully completed in September 2024.
Symposium on advanced therapy
Science and medical experts meet in Adelaide to discuss great potential of particle therapy in Australia
Role at ANSTO
'Atom hunters' broadcast on ABC
Using the past to illuminate the future: Brothers collaborate on important science documentary for ABC TV
The risks posed by stormwater runoff can be monitored with thin-film technology
A large collaboration of Australian and New Zealand researchers has established that a thin film technology can be used to monitor stormwater effectively and provides a way to translate the presence of metal contaminants into potential risks to aquatic ecosystems.
ANSTO plastic trawling from Hobart to Sydney
Revealing the 'hidden half' of grain using imaging at ANSTO's Australian Synchrotron to benefit Australian agriculture
Professor of Soil Science at The University of Queensland, Peter Kopittke and partner investigator Prof Enzo Lombi of the University of SA are very optimistic about the use of a new synchrotron-based imaging technique that captures in 3D the complex interaction of soil and root.
Bushfire charcoal particles carried an unprecedented distance
Charcoal particles from recent bushfires in NSW were carried 50 kilometres by the wind, which has significance for fire history reconstruction.
Major study identifies a potential drug target for lowering cholesterol
Study explored how key proteins manage dietary cholesterol absorption and elucidated crucial transport mechanisms that contribute to cholesterol balance in the body.