Role at ANSTO
Dr Martin de Jonge is a physicist who presently leads the design of the X-Ray Nanoprobe beamline at the Australian Synchrotron.
Working in collaboration with others, Martin has developed microprobe and nanoprobe methods including differential phase contrast, x-ray fluorescence imaging, x-ray fluorescence micro-computed tomography, and design of optical components including performance optimisation of diffractive focussing optics. Martin has fostered the development and implementation of ptychography, scattering and diffraction methods at the X-Ray Fluorescence Microscopy (XFM) beamline of the Australian Synchrotron, and aims to bring these methods to the future Nanoprobe beamline.
X-ray Microprobes & Nanoprobes, X-ray Fluorescence, Differential Phase Contrast, Beamline design, X-ray Fluorescence Tomography, Self-absorption, cryogenics, Energy dispersive x-ray detection
Qualifications & Achievements
- CSIRO Research Achievement Medal (2012).
- Post-Doctoral appointment at the Advanced Photon Source, Chicago, USA (2005-2007).
- ASRP Thesis prize (2006).
- The Chancellor’s Award, for 'excellence in a PhD thesis', University of Melbourne (2005).
- PhD (Physics) -University of Melbourne (2005).
- BA - University of Melbourne (1998).