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Showing 201 - 220 of 397 results

Licence awarded

Australia’s new state-of-the-art nuclear medicine facility gets green light.

FLEET appointment

Instrument scientist and expert in low dimensional magnetism Dr Kirrily Rule joins FLEET ARC Centre.

Think Science! A Nationwide Science Event

Think Science! Bringing science skills together.

The Think Science! competition encourages students in Years 3-10 to learn science inquiry skills in a fun and accessible way! Entry is FREE and there are generous prizes for winning schools. Any topic can be chosen, and special materials are not required.

Studying Western Australian caves to help us understand climate change

On average, there is now 17 per cent less rainfall across Western Australia’s south-western region than was recorded prior to 1970. This rainfall reduction has economic, social and environmental implications for the region, in particular for the growing capital of Perth, as well as water-dependent industries in the state.

Imaging and medical beamline

Imaging and medical

The Imaging and Medical beamline (IMBL) is a flagship beamline of the Australian Synchrotron built with considerable support from the NHMRC. It is one of only a few of its type, and delivers the world’s widest synchrotron x-ray ‘beam’.

Beamtime Guide - X-ray Fluorescence Microscopy

Beamtime Guide - XFM

Beamtime Guide on the X-ray Fluorescence Microscopy beamline at the Australian Synchrotron.



Research to assess the impact of recent landscape change by measuring fundamental geomorphic processes that are the result of long-term landscape evolution.
