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Showing 21 - 40 of 222 results

Australian science teachers off to CERN

After careful selection, three Australian science teachers are set to fly to Geneva today after winning positions on the International High School Teacher Programme at CERN.

Woman standing next to accelerator transport line

Particle Accelerators

The Accelerator Science group purse a broad research program with the aims of improving the performance and reliability of our accelerators, increasing their research capabilities and developing the next generation of accelerator technology.

Certificate of appreciation from WA DFES

ANSTO and the Australian Radiation Protection and Nuclear Safety Agency (ARPANSA) have been recognised for their valuable contributions to the search and recovery efforts for a missing 8mm-long radioactive capsule in the Western Australian outback.

ANSTO's National Science Week Hackathon - 2020 results

2020 hackathon finalists

In partnership with the Australian Museum as part of National Science Week explore the 2020 hackathon theme of Deep Blue: Innovation for the future of our oceans
