Showing 1 - 20 of 141 results

Public Interest Disclosure Scheme
The Public Interest Disclosure Act 2013 aims to promote integrity and accountability in the Australian Public Sector by encouraging the disclosure of information about actual or suspected wrongdoing, protecting people who make disclosures and ensuring that disclosures are properly investigated and dealt with.
One zoo, two nuclear scientists, and 30 schools: Welcome to World Environment Day
New Joint Venture to manufacture GMP theranostic radiopharmaceuticals in Australia
Cyclotek and ANSTO have announced the launch of a Joint Venture (JV), to establish Australia’s first GMP (Good Manufacturing Practice) theranostics facility starting in Melbourne, Australia.

ANSTO provides access to specialised facilities and capabilities by application. Please ensure that you contact the relevant ANSTO scientist for advice before submitting a proposal.
Nuclear technique supports industry-led action plan to phase out packaging with PFAS chemicals
Testing at ANSTO’s Centre for Accelerator Science supports an action plan just published by the Australian Packaging Covenant Organisation (APCO) to phase out per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances (PFAS) in fibre-based food contact packaging in Australia by December 2023.

Gamma radiation imaging technology
A new imaging technology developed at ANSTO makes it possible to image, identify and locate gamma-ray radiation in a safe and timely manner.
New research project to understand sediment in Dee Why lagoon
Imaging technology has the ability to capture and display gamma radiation
A new imaging technology developed at ANSTO makes it possible to image, identify and locate gamma-ray radiation in a safe and timely manner.

Radiation Monitoring
ANSTO continually monitors environmental gamma radiation from a station located in Engadine NSW. ANSTO uses environmental radiation data to evaluate atmospheric dispersion from its site. This radiation is almost completely natural background radiation.
ANSTO STEAM Club Goes Live In Time For School Holiday Fun!
COVID-19 can’t stop kids with a passion for science and technology, with ANSTO launching our new online STEAM Club just in time for the school holidays.
Nuclear research techniques are an important tool for environmental scientists to understand past climates and anticipate the future
ANSTO has played a formative role and continues to make important contributions using nuclear and isotopic techniques to understand past climates and patterns of change, maintain water resource sustainability and provide insights into the impact of contaminate in the environment.

How to make a complaint about ANSTO

Corporate Publications
Explore ANSTO's range of publications and reports available for the public.

Managing Radioactive Waste
ANSTO has safely managed its radioactive waste for over 60 years. Waste is managed in accordance with national and international standards.
Plans to safely manage medical and research waste
ANSTO will make an application to the independent nuclear regulator, ARPANSA, to vary its license for its Interim Waste Store. The original operating license was approved in 2015, enabling the facility to hold what is called a TN-81 cask of intermediate-level radioactive waste that was safely repatriated from France in 2015.

STEAM Club Online
Learn. Create. Innovate
Thirty papers on program at environment conference

Infrastructure - Cultural Heritage
In Australia and the Southeast Asia basin, the ANSTO facility offers a wide range of unique nuclear-beam techniques for cultural heritage research.