Our people, the custodians of Australia’s nuclear and accelerator expertise, are amongst our nation’s most talented researchers, scientists, engineers and nuclear experts. Everyday we work to respond to the growing nuclear science and technology needs of Australia and the world.

Dr Lauren Linnenlucke
Post Doctoral Research Fellow

Dr Leena Burgess
Nuclear Medicine Development Manager and Principal Radiochemist, Health Research and Technology Group

Dr Linggen Kong
Senior Materials Chemist

Dr Livia Salvati Manni
SAXS/WAXS beamline scientist

Dr Liza McDonough
Project Joint Lead Investigator

Dr Loan Le

Dr Luiz Bortolan Neto
Structural Materials Engineer, Nuclear Fuel Cycle

Dr Martin de Jonge
Lead Scientist, Nanoprobe

Dr Melanie Ferlazzo
Post-Doctoral Researcher