Showing 1 - 20 of 111 results
New User Symposium 2023 Program
Timetable and Teams links
Seeing inside artefact
Seeing inside an ancient Australian Indigenous artefact non-invasively using neutron tomography.
Instrument Calibration
ANSTO offers reliable and traceable calibration services for radiation survey meters, contamination monitors and electronic personal dosimeters.
Running (simulated) rings around cancer
Ultra-realistic simulations of a PET imaging system for next-generation radiotherapy: Collaboration giving back to the open source science community.
Silicon irradiation
ANSTO is one of the world's leading providers of irradiation services for silicon ingots, which are used by the multimillion dollar electronics industry across Europe and Asia. Each year, ANSTO irradiates more than 50 tonnes of silicon.
Recoil Time of Flight Spectrometry
Recoil Time of Flight Spectrometry (RTOF) is used to detect a multitude of elements by separating their masses. unambiguously
Small angle X-ray scattering instrument
An instrument used to study any materials with structure of the length scale 1-100nm.
Bringing radiochemistry to life
Aboriginal cultural heritage
ANSTO recognises the traditional indigenous owners of the land at all its sites and works to contribute to the recognition of the indigenous cultural heritage of Australia.
Technical Information - Wombat
Specifications, Instrument reference, User Manual, Getting started guide.
Science is in while school is out this Easter
Samples - Infrared microspectroscopy
The Infrared microspectroscopy microscopes can record spectra from a range of different samples; from thin microtomed sections to polished blocks and embedded particles. This section highlights the types of samples that can be analysed using the IRM beamline
Shorebirds 2024: Flight for Survival
An initiative for National Science Week 2024 the Shorebirds Competition addresses the 2024 theme for National Science Week, ‘Species Survival’ and provides unique cross-curricula learning for Australian primary students in Years 3 to 6.
Industry Access - Lucas Heights
ANSTO’s Lucas Heights campus has an extensive range of specialised facilities and capabilities that are available to assist industry-based professionals in solving problems. Please contact us to discuss how we can assist you. We are open to entering into commercial arrangement with appropriate partners.