Lucas Heights Weather Station
We are currently experiencing a technical issue with the wind data at 49m. Our technicians are looking to rectify the problem as soon as possible.
ANSTO continually collects weather data from the 50-metre tower at it’s Lucas Heights campus. The weather data is used in plume dispersion modelling to support emergency preparedness and response for the site.
View the Lucas Heights weather data using the interactive graphs below.
The Bureau of Meteorology display Latest Weather Observations for Lucas Heights and Climate Statistics.
ANSTO also collects data on ionising radiation from a monitoring station near Lucas Heights, and fine particle pollution on the NSW coast and other locations.
Air Quality
Air Quality data and forecasts for Greater Sydney are published by NSW Gov. Planning and Environment: The Sydney South-West and Liverpool monitoring sites are the closest to Lucas Heights.
Ask us a question
For quality controlled data or further information, contact: