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Radiological and Nuclear Emergency Preparedness and Response

Date Multiple dates available
$4,060 plus GST
New Illawarra Road
Lucas Heights NSW 2234
Register: 20 - 24 May 2024
Register: 16-20 September 2024
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This comprehensive five-day course is designed to support first responder agencies in effective preparedness and enhancing their response in radiological and nuclear emergency situations.

Course Objective

Participants will develop knowledge and skills of radiation and nuclear emergency response to:
  • ensure interoperability and effective coordination within the “all hazards” emergency response system

  • apply the international and national guidance on specific roles, responsibilities, resources, equipment, and criteria required for an effective response

  • enhance individual agency and national nuclear and radiological EPR arrangements and capabilities


Personnel that have either direct or indirect first responder responsibilities in radiological and/or nuclear emergency situations:
  • first response in a radiological/nuclear emergency as part of a State or Commonwealth combat agency (Fire and Rescue, Police and Ambulance)
  • organizations that provide support through field deployment and external base support (Nuclear forensics, Environment Protection Agencies, State and Commonwealth regulatory bodies)
  • State and Commonwealth government agencies (Defence, counter terrorism agencies)

Course Content

Classroom (Theory)
  • Goals of radiological emergency response
  • Lessons learned in radiological incidents
  • Expected phases of a response
  • Overview of the first responder manual
  • Role of the first responder
  • Role of the radiological assessor and field assistance team
  • Emergency worker guidance
  • Values for restricting exposure
  • Radiation monitoring instrumentation
  • Role of the incident commander/controller
  • Command, control, and communicate
  • Decontamination and monitoring of people and equipment
  • Air sampling techniques
  • Protection strategy – generic criteria and Operational Intervention Levels (OILs)
  • Radiation protection calculations
  • Basic emergency response plans
  • Emergency medical and field triage of casualties
  • Basic plume model and calculations
  • Environmental monitoring
  • Concept of operations
  • IAEA Response and Assistance Network (RANET)
  • Nuclear forensics
Workshops and field practical exercises
  • Orphan source search and secure
  • Field assistance team deployment - monitoring and advising on airborne releases 
  • Radiological Dispersal Device (RDD)
  • Radiological emergency tabletop exercise


Radiation Safety training

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