Q2XAFS 2023 | International Workshop on Improving Data Quality and Quantity in XAFS Spectroscopy
Date |
Thu 17 Aug at 9.00am - Fri 18 Aug at 5.00pm
Cost |
AU$150 (full), AU$100 (students)
Venue | ANSTO Australian Synchrotron 800 Blackburn Road, Clayton VIC 3168 |
Download Program (PDF) | |
Download Event Flyer (PDF) | |
Student / ECR Support Awards | |
Download Book of Abstracts | |
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Q2XAFS is a symposium series bringing together experts in the field of X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy to discuss aspects of the technique that affect data quality in XAFS experiments.
The latest iteration of Q2XAFS was run at Australian Synchrotron, ANSTO, as a satellite of the IUCr Congress 2023 in Melbourne, Australia. The symposium provided a forum for discussions with the goal of reviewing international standards and protocols and developing revised recommendations for best practices when performing XAFS experiments. Synchrotron staff, experts, and community members from around the globe joined the workshop.

Following the workshop, a roundtable discussion was held at the University of Melbourne to progress and consolidate discussions from the workshop (by invitation).
Q2XAFS 2023 was held at the award-winning National Centre for Synchrotron Science at the Australian Synchrotron in Melbourne, Australia. Following closing of the workshop at the Australian Synchrotron, the event closed with a dinner in Melbourne's CBD.

We would like to thank our sponsors and supporters without whom the event would not have been be possible.

Student and Early Career Scientist Support
Thank you to the generous support of the International Union of Crystallography, awards are available to support students and early career scientists to attend Q2XAFS 2023.
Find out more.Program
Session 1: Sharing and re-using XAS data
- Data formats (plain text, XDI, xasCIF, NeXus/HDF5, CIF)
- Metadata (Essential meta data, ontology of XAFS related terminology)
- XAFS databases
- Comparability of XAFS data (Round Robin)
Session 2: Improving the interpretation of XAS data
- Quantification of uncertainties during EXAFS data evaluation and propagation of uncertainties
- Quantification and correction of experimental uncertainties (dark currents, dead time etc.)
- Quantifying uncertainties in XANES evaluation methods (PCA etc.)
- Novel methods (Machine Learning, AI…)
Session 3: Improving the quality of XAS measurements
- Bio and other fragile samples (beam damage)
- Extreme conditions (ultrafast, high-pressure, in-operando)
- Fast measurements (Q-XAFS, dispersive XAFS)
Session 4: Improving the reporting of XAS results
- General reporting guidelines for XAS publications
- IUCr and CXAFS reports
- Assessing experimental data quality
- Including uncertainties in pre-processed data and reported results
- Specific challenges and reporting for photon in/photon out spectroscopies
- Specific challenges and reporting for lab-based XAFS
Download the latest version of the program (PDF) here.

Early Career Poster Award
Q2XAFS2023 will include a poster session with a focus on early career scientists, including students and post-docs. Please present your achievements and your own problems concerning XAFS data quality including, experimental and theoretical efforts. To promote your participation, the IXAS has created poster awards based on the kind donation from Dr. Matthew Newville and Dr. Bruce Ravel, who received the Edward Stern Prize in XAFS2022 in Sydney. We need all young powers to blow in a new wind. Please join Q2XAFS and get the prize!!
Invited Speakers (confirmed)
- A/Prof Hitoshi Abe High Energy Accelerator Research Organisation, KEK (Japan)
- Dr Giuliana Aquilanti Elettra Sincrotrone Trieste (Italy)
- Dr Simon Bare SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (USA)
- Dr Valérie Briois SOLEIL (France)
- Prof Christopher Chantler University of Melbourne (Australia)
- Dr Giannantonio Cibin Diamond Light Source (United Kingdom)
- Dr Martin de Jonge Australian Synchrotron - ANSTO (Australia)
- Dr Ruwini Ekanayake University of Melbourne (Australia)
- Dr Abhijeet Gaur Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany)
- Dr Diego Gianolio Diamond Light Source (United Kingdom)
- Dr James Hester ANSTO (Australia)
- Prof Simo Huotari University of Helsinki (Finland)
- Dr Bernt Johannessen Australian Synchrotron – ANSTO (Australia)
- Dr Shelly Kelly Advanced Photon Source (USA)
- Dr Wantana Klysubun Synchrotron Light Research Institute (Thailand)
- Dr Sofia Diaz-Moreno Diamond Light Source (United Kingdom)
- Dr Matthew Newville Advanced Photon Source (USA)
- Dr Ritimukta Sarangi SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory (USA)
- Prof Gerald Seidler University of Washington (USA)
- Dr Janis Timoshenko Fritz Haber Institute Berlin (Germany)
- Dr Chanh Tran La Trobe University (Australia)
- Dr Edmund Welter DESY (Germany)
International Program Committee
- Sofia Diaz-Moreno (Diamond Light Source, United Kingdom) [Chair]
- Christopher Chantler (University of Melbourne, Australia) [Chair]
- Matthew Newville (Advanced Photon Source, USA) [Chair]
- Edmund Welter (DESY, Germany)
- Simon Bare (SLAC, USA)
- Giuliana Aquilanti (Elettra, Italy)
- Wantana Klysubun (SLRI, Thailand)
- Kiyotaka Asakura (Japan)
- Ritimukta Sarangi (SLAC, USA)
Local Organising Committee
- Chanh Tran (La Trobe University) [Chair]
- Peter Kappen (ANSTO) [Chair]
- Claire Weekley (University of Melbourne)
- Valerie Mitchell (ANSTO)
- Rosalie Hocking (Swinburne University of Technology)
- Richard Garrett (ANSTO)
- Jessica Hamilton (ANSTO)
- Christopher Chantler (University of Melbourne)

Q2XAFS23 Statements
Please review our gender balance and diversity statements, and code of conduct.
Click HereFor more information
Tuesday - Thursday
10:00am - 3:00pm