ANSTO's Neutron and Deuteration Impact Awards
Date |
Fri 22 Jul at 11.59pm
Cost |
Free to enter!
Venue | Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering & National Deuteration Facility |
Entry Form | |
Questions? - Contact Us | |
How have the results of your neutron scattering experiment impacted our society? Did you access our deuteration facilities for a fantastic result? Has your publication led to new knowledge that could improve the lives of others? Then we would like to hear about it!
We are pleased to announce our second call for the Neutron and Deuteration Impact Awards, open to all who have participated in an ACNS and/or NDF proposal over the last three years. We want to find out more about the wider impacts of research enabled by the Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering and National Deuteration Facility and are offering prizes too. Up to nine AUD$200 (or local currency equivalent) vouchers will be awarded, along with certificates - with plans for these to be presented at the 2022 ANBUG/AINSE Neutron Scattering Symposium.
Judging Criteria:
- That the research impact is aligned with one of the nine national research priorities of Australia (see below for more information) – one prize will be awarded for each area.
- The clarity of the explanations of the research and its impacts to a non-expert audience
- How essential was neutron scattering and/or deuteration to resolving the research question?
- The potential (or actual) impact of the research.
By telling us how you are putting neutron scattering and/or deuteration to work, we will be able to further promote your research and use your stories to help shape our future capabilities.
To Enter:
Complete the entry form (DOCX, 658.45 KB) and email it to ANIAwards@ansto.gov.au by the 22nd July 2022.
- Researchers at any stage of their career can participate, as long as they have been named on an ACNS and/or NDF proposal since the 2019-1 round.
- Please do not include commercial-in-confidence information.
- More than one application can be made from one ACNS and/or NDF proposal. If you are not the principal investigator on the proposal, make sure you seek permission from them before submitting it.
- Entries are open to all of our users (Australian and overseas) but the impacts must be aligned to the Australian Science & Research Priorities. These priorities are:
- Food
- Soil and Water
- Transport
- Cybersecurity
- Energy
- Resources
- Advanced Manufacturing
- Environmental Change
- Health
By submitting an entry you consent to us, with attribution, using the content within your entry to develop case studies and report the impacts to our funding agencies. We intend to use these case studies on our website and for brochures outlining our capabilities aligned to the national research priorities. Those whose content are proposed for use in such a way will be contacted prior to it being used and will be invited to review how the content has been edited.