ANSTO User Meeting 2023
Date |
Mon 27 Nov at 11.00am - Wed 29 Nov at 2.00pm
Cost |
Full Registration - $450 (Student - $250)
Venue | Southern Sydney Event Centre 2 Crofts Avenue Hurstville New South Wales 2220 |
AUM2023 Program | |
Abstract book | |
Sponsor Information | |
Accommodation | |
Themes | |
Awards | |
Sponsor Packages | |
Diversity Statement | |
Abstract Submission - Close 28th August | |
Registration - close 13th November | |
Research that matters
Registrations are now closed.
ANSTO is pleased to be hosting the ANSTO User Meeting - AUM2023 in person at the Southern Sydney Event Centre in Hurstville from 27th - 29th November. The meeting will provide a unique opportunity for researchers who have accessed ANSTO’s research infrastructure and capabilities in the last year to showcase their research and outcomes. It is also an opportunity for prospective users to hear about the unique capabilities of ANSTO’s research infrastructure, which comprises a suite of neutron beam instruments in Sydney and synchrotron beamlines in Melbourne as well as a range of other capabilities for scientific investigations including deuterated products, radiation measurements, use of natural and radioactive isotopes, radiochemistry, materials characterisation, accelerator mass spectrometry and ion beam analysis amongst others.
The ANSTO User Meeting - AUM2023 will also incorporate the annual meetings of the:
- Australian Synchrotron Users Advisory Committee (UAC) and
- Australian Neutron Beam Users Group (ANBUG)

Day 1: Monday 27th November
11am ANSTO User Meeting Commences
Day 2: Tuesday 28th November
The Australian Neutron Beam Users Group (ANBUG) Annual General Meeting
5:15pm Poster Session
7:00pm Award Buffet Dinner
Day 3: Wednesday 29th November
The Synchrotron User Advisory Committee Annual General Meeting
1:30pm ANSTO User Meeting Closes
The complete program will be available closer to the event date.

Plenary Speaker: Professor Tamar Greaves
Tam Greaves obtained her PhD in Physics from Monash University in 2004. She then worked for 10 years at CSIRO, followed by moving to RMIT University in 2014, where she is now a Professor in Physics. She conducts research into understanding the fundamental physicochemical properties of ionic liquids, their mixtures, liquid nanostructure and the solvophobic effect. She is currently developing ionic liquid solvents for use with biological molecules in a broad range of applications from protein crystallization to biocatalysis, with a focus on the fundamental interactions and specific ion effect. Her research is currently funded by an ARC Discovery Project into “improving the stability of biomolecules using ionic liquids”. She was part of the successful team for the ARC LIEF grant in 2020 for Australian Rheo Scattering Facilities, primarily as SANS-rheo.
A key focus of her research is the development of high throughput methods for experimental design, sample synthesis, characterisation and data analysis. This has been enabled through use of ANSTO facilities, in particular the Australian SAXS/WAXS beamline, and she has also used XFM, PD, MX2, IRM, THz-IR, Platypus, and Bilby beamlines. She is a current member of the Beamline Advisory Program for the Bio-SAXS beamline, and from 2017-2019 co-chaired the Program Advisory Committee for the SAXS/WAXS beamline. She is a current member of the AINSE Materials Science and Engineering committee.
Tam is passionate about supervision of PhD students and mentoring ECRs, and was recognised in 2022 by RMIT University with a HDR Supervision Award. She is an active member of the Colloids and the Ionic Liquids communities, including being the current President of the Australian Colloids and Interface Society (ACIS). She has co-chaired the ACIS student conference in 2022 and the Australian Symposium on Ionic liquids in 2020 and 2022. She is a current member of the organising committee for Congress on Ionic Liquids to be held in Perth in 2024.

Abstract submissions now closed
Closing Monday 21 August 2023 at 11:59pm

We would like to thank AINSE for their student travel support funding. AINSE is providing flight assistance to attend AUM2023 for students that attend AINSE affiliated universities with campus outside of greater Sydney (capped amount based on university campus city location).
If you are a student at an AINSE affiliated university and would like to be considered for travel support, please click here to complete this form.

Travel Grants for NZ Students
We are proud to announce that the New Zealand Synchrotron Group (NZSG) has committed to providing 4 travel grants of NZD $1500 to attend the ANSTO User Meeting - AUM2023.
To qualify, you must be:
- a New Zealand domestic student: and
- currently enrolled at a New Zealand university.
If you qualify and would like to be considered for a travel grant, please click here to complete this form.

Sponsors and Exhibitors
The AUM2023 Organising Committee would like to thank our sponsors. Please click here for more information regarding these organisations.
Available Packages

AUM2023 Themes
- Manufacturing, Engineering & Industry
- Advanced Materials
- Earth, Environment & Cultural Heritage
- Biological Systems & Life Science
- Chemistry, Pharmaceuticals & Crystallography
- Food Science & Soft Matter
- Solid-State Physics
- Instruments & Techniques
- Deuteration for Neutrons & More

Registration includes:
- morning tea
- light lunch
- afternoon tea
- Tuesday poster session
- Tuesday Awards Buffet Dinner
- Full Registration - $450.00
- Student Registration* - $250.00
*Students must provide current student identification number in the registration form

For more Information
AUM2023 Organising Committee