An Inside look a successful Aboriginal enterprise: Northern Australia Aboriginal Kakadu Plum Alliance
Date |
Fri 7 Jul at 10.00am - Fri 7 Jul at 11.00am
Cost |
No cost
Venue | |
To coincide with NAIDOC Week 2023, join us online to hear a special session with Paul Saeki, CEO Northern Australia Aboriginal Kakadu Plum Alliance, a group of Aboriginal-owned companies supplying Kakadu Plum fruit and extracts for the Australian market.
Neil Gower, CEO, Mamaubulanjin Aboriginal Corporation will speak briefly about the operation of the Kakadu Plum plantation, where traditional fruit, Kakadu plum, is cultivated for sale in Australia.
This will be followed by a brief chat with Dr Debashish Mazumder, who is working with the Alliance to provide fingerprints of the plums from specific plantations in an effort to protect provenance. Read more.
For further information contact Susan Bogle
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