Each year almost 7000 visiting researchers from other Australian research organisations and international research centres have access to a wide range of world-class research facilities that support research into human health, our environment and innovation for industry.
Sydney facilities and capabilities
Below is a list of ANSTO's selected research facilities capabilities with the relevant local contacts available in the research portal.
Health Research & Technology Group
Capability Group | Capability | Contact Scientist(s) |
Irradiation and Dosimetry | Low dose x-ray irradiation | Justin Davies |
High dose gamma irradiation | Justin Davies | |
Radiochemistry | Radioisotopes | Andrew Winthorpe |
Radiopharmaceuticals | Lidia Matesic | |
Radiochemical analysis | Amanda Mcdonald | |
Biology and Imaging | Radiation biology | Ryan Middleton |
Radiopharmaceutical evaluation | Loan Le | |
Preclinical imaging | Loan Le |
Centre for Accelerator Science
Capability Group | Capability | Contact Scientist(s) |
Actinide isotopic analysis | I-129 AMS measurement only: pre-prepared AgI | Mike Hotchkis David Child |
I-129 AMS sample prep. & measurement: soil, sediment, biota, water, swipes | Mike Hotchkis David Child | |
Non-routine Actinides AMS isotope analysis (Th, Pa, Np, Am, Cm) | Mike Hotchkis David Child | |
Pu isotopic AMS measurement only: pre-prepared PuO2 in Fe | Mike Hotchkis David Child | |
Pu isotopic AMS sample prep. & measurement: soil, sediment, biota, water, swipes | Mike Hotchkis David Child | |
U isotopic AMS measurement only: pre-prepared U3O8 in Fe | Mike Hotchkis David Child | |
U isotopic AMS sample prep. & measurement: soil, sediment, biota, water, swipes | Mike Hotchkis David Child | |
Aerosol Measurement & Fine Particle Characterisation | Aerosol facilities technical effort | Maddy Manohar Armand Atanacio |
Black carbon measurements on filters | Armand Atanacio | |
Complete PM2.5 Cyclone sampling unit, rent/year | Armand Atanacio | |
IBA data interpretation and consulting | Maddy Manohar Armand Atanacio | |
IBA particle analysis of filters 2 per week, includes postage and despatch | Armand Atanacio | |
Bulk Sample Characterisation & Surface Analysis | ERDA (Elastic Recoil Detection Analysis) | Maddy Manohar Armand Atanacio |
PESA (Proton Elastic-Scattering Analysis) | Armand Atanacio | |
PIGE (Proton-Induced Gamma-ray Emission spectrometry) | Armand Atanacio | |
PIXE (Particle Induced X-ray Emission spectrometry) | Armand Atanacio | |
RBS (Rutherford Back-Scattering spectrometry) | Armand Atanacio | |
Cosmogenic isotope dating | Al-26 AMS measurement: from pre-prepared Al oxide or Al hydroxide | Klaus Wilcken David Fink Krista Simon |
Al-26 AMS sample prep and measurement: quartz (in situ) | Klaus Wilcken David Fink Krista Simon | |
Al-26 AMS sample prep and measurement: rock (in situ) | Klaus Wilcken David Fink Krista Simon | |
Al-26 AMS sample prep and measurement: sediment (in situ) | Klaus Wilcken David Fink Reka Fulop Krista Simon | |
Be-10 AMS measurement only: from pre-prepared Be oxide or Be hydroxide | Klaus Wilcken David Fink Krista Simon | |
Be-10 AMS sample prep and measurement: ice, snow, water, filters | Klaus Wilcken Andrew Smith Krista Simon | |
Be-10 AMS sample prep and measurement: quartz (in situ) | Klaus Wilcken David Fink Krista Simon | |
Be-10 AMS sample prep and measurement: rock (in situ) | Klaus Wilcken David Fink Krista Simon | |
Be-10 AMS sample prep and measurement: sediment (in situ) | Klaus Wilcken David Fink Reka Fulop Krista Simon | |
Be-10 AMS sample prep and measurement: sediment (meteoric) | Klaus Wilcken David Fink Krista Simon | |
C-14 AMS sample prep. & measurement: pure quartz (in-situ) | Reka Fulop | |
C-14 AMS sample prep. & measurement: raw rock - quartz (in-situ) | Reka Fulop | |
Cl-36 AMS measurement only from pre-prepared AgCl | Klaus Wilcken Krista Simon | |
Cl-36 AMS sample and measurement: ice, snow, water, filters (meteoric) | Klaus Wilcken Andrew Smith Krista Simon | |
Cl-36 AMS sample prep and measurement: from raw rock - calcareous (in-situ) | Klaus Wilcken Krista Simon | |
Cl-36 AMS sample prep and measurement: from raw rock - other rock (in-situ) | Klaus Wilcken Krista Simon | |
Radiocarbon dating | C-14 AMS sample prep. & measurement: complex treatment - bone, pollen, holo/alpha cellulose, method development | Geraldine Jacobsen Vladimir Levchenko Fiona Bertuch |
C-14 AMS sample prep. & measurement: from CO2 in break seal tubes | Geraldine Jacobsen Vladimir Levchenko Fiona Bertuch | |
C-14 AMS sample prep. & measurement: from pre-treated material | Geraldine Jacobsen Vladimir Levchenko Fiona Bertuch | |
C-14 AMS sample prep. & measurement: standard treatment - charcoal, shell, bulk sediment, water DIC, water DOC | Geraldine Jacobsen Vladimir Levchenko Fiona Bertuch | |
Surface Engineering, Characterisation & Modification | High Energy Heavy Ion Microprobe Analysis | David Cohen Zeljko Pastuovic |
High energy ion implantation | David Cohen Zeljko Pastuovic | |
IBIC (Ion Beam Induced Charge) | Zeljko Pastuovic | |
Low Energy Ion Implanter (< 50kV) | Zeljko Pastuovic | |
Medium energy ion implantation and in-situ depth profiling | David Cohen Zeljko Pastuovic | |
Radiation damage of materials | Zeljko Pastuovic Stefania Peracchi | |
Single ion implantation | David Cohen Zeljko Pastuovic | |
Decapsulation of electronic devices | Ryan Drury | |
GEANT4 Monte Carlo modelling | Stefania Peracchi |
Capabilities | Contact Scientist(s) |
For user access information, including a downloadable product catalogue please visit: User access at the National Deuteration Facility | ANSTO | Dr Tamim Darwish via ndf-enquiries@ansto.gov.au |
Environment Research & Technology Group
Capability Group | Capability | Contact Scientist(s) |
Elemental and Trace metal analysis | Analysis by ICPAES | Henri Wong |
Analysis by qICPMS | Henri Wong | |
Analysis by SeaFast qICPMS (ultratrace Rare Earth Element) | Henri Wong | |
Analysis by IC (anions) | Henri Wong | |
Physical measurements (pH, Cond, Alkalinity) | Henri Wong | |
Sample Preparation (microwave digestion) | Henri Wong | |
High resolution image, radiograph and XRF scan of sediment cores, wood and other materials | ITRAX Core Scan at 1000 micron resolution (low) with 10sec exposure for XRF analysis | Patricia Gadd |
ITRAX Core Scan at 500 micron resolution (medium) with 10sec exposure for XRF analysis | Patricia Gadd | |
ITRAX Core Scan at 200 micron resolution (high) with 10sec exposure for XRF analysis | Patricia Gadd | |
ITRAX Core Scan at 200 micron resolution (high) with X radiograph for wood samples | Patricia Gadd | |
Laser ablation | Laser ablation ICPAES | Henri Wong |
Laser ablation qICPMS | Henri Wong | |
Movement of fluids, particulates and contaminants in aquatic and terrestrial environments | Radioisotope tracer techniques | Cath Hughes |
Radon and thoron analysis and monitoring | Continuous in situ radon measurements using portable AlphaGuard detectors | Dr Scott Chambers |
Sample-based radon in water via mineral oil extraction and liquid scintillation counting (liquid scintillometer) | Robert Chisari | |
Stable isotope ratios of carbon, nitrogen for radiocarbon | Acid treatment of sediments to remove carbonates prior to delta 13C analysis | Linda Barry |
Bone (collagen) samples: N% for collagen test | Linda Barry | |
Bone (collagen) samples: collagen extraction prior to delta C13, C% , delta N15 & N% analyses | Linda Barry | |
Stable isotope delta N15 & N% analysis in solids | Linda Barry | |
Stable isotope, delta C13 & C% analysis in solids | Linda Barry |
Nuclear Stewardship Science (Nuclear capabilities)
Capability Group | Capability | Contact Scientist(s) |
ANSTO Detection and Imaging | High precision gamma-ray spectrometry | |
Radiation detector characterisation | ||
CT X-ray imaging | DR and CT Imaging with Material Discrimination for Security Science Applications | |
Elemental analysis - OPAL Irradiations | NAA Short Irradiation | Attila Stopic |
NAA Medium Irradiation | Attila Stopic | |
NAA Long Irradiation | Attila Stopic | |
DNAA | Attila Stopic | |
Environmental radioactivity measurements | Americium-241 (by alpha spectrometry) | Sabika Maizma |
Gamma spectrometry measurement | Juniper Bedwell Wilson | |
Plutonium-239+240 (by alpha spectrometry) | Sabika Maizma | |
Polonium-210 (by alpha spectrometry) | Sabika Maizma | |
Radium-226 (by alpha spectrometry) | Sabika Maizma | |
Radium-228 (by gamma spectrometry) | Juniper Bedwell Wilson | |
Thorium-28, 230, 232 (by alpha spectrometry) | Sabika Maizma | |
Uranium-230, 234 (by alpha spectrometry) | Sabika Maizma | |
Grain size distribution determination by laser diffraction method in soil and sediment samples | Grain Size Analysis | Juniper Bedwell Wilson |
Lead -210 Dating | Pb-210 dating (by alpha spectrometry) | Juniper Bedwell Wilson |
Lead-210, Caesium-137 dating (by gamma spectrometry) | Juniper Bedwell Wilson | |
Radioanalytical Chemistry | Gamma spectrometry (naturals and anthropogenics) | Lida Mokhber Shahin Sangeeth Thiruvoth |
Radioanalytical Chemistry/Alpha Spectrometry (U, Th, Pu or Am)/Liquid Scintillation Analysis (Sr-90) - Tier 1 - single element analysis | ||
Radioanalytical Chemistry/Alpha Spectrometry (U, Th, Pu or Am)/Liquid Scintillation Analysis (Sr-90) - Tier 2 - double element analysis | ||
Radioanalytical Chemistry/Alpha Spectrometry (U, Th, Pu or Am)/Liquid Scintillation Analysis (Sr-90) - Tier 3 - triple element analysis | ||
Radioanalytical Chemistry/Alpha Spectrometry (U, Th, Pu or Am)/Liquid Scintillation Analysis (Sr-90) - Tier 4 - quadruple element analysis | ||
Radioanalytical Chemistry/Alpha Spectrometry (U, Th, Pu or Am)/Liquid Scintillation Analysis (Sr-90) - Tier 5 - full suite element analysis | ||
Radioanalytical Chemistry/Liquid Scintillation Analysis (Tritium) - tritium in waters and leachate | ||
Radioanalytical chemical method development (alpha and/or beta emitters) | Sangeeth Thiruvoth | |
Irradiations- Neutron | OPAL High Flux pneumatic irradiation facility | Attila Stopic |
OPAL Medium Flux pneumatic irradiation facility | Attila Stopic | |
OPAL Low Flux pneumatic irradiation facility | Attila Stopic | |
OPAL short residence pneumatic irradiation facility | Attila Stopic |
Capability Group | Capability | Contact Scientist(s) |
Vivarium Facility | Animal House & Holding Facilities | Emma Davis |
Aquatic Laboratory | Emma Davis | |
Greenhouse | Emma Davis | |
Radiation Biology Labs | Emma Davis |
Explore our Research capabilities
ANSTO provides access to specialised facilities and capabilities by application.

Contact the Sydney user office
Office Hours Sydney: Monday to Friday 8.00am- 5.00pm
Sydney user office
Contact the Melbourne user office
Office Hours: Monday to Friday 8.30am - 4.30pm