Showing 1 - 13 of 13 results

Role at ANSTO

Biological small angle X-ray scattering beamline (BioSAXS)
The Biological Small Angle X-ray Scattering beamline will be optimised for measuring small angle scattering of surfactants, nanoparticles, polymers, lipids, proteins and other biological macromolecules in solution. BioSAXS combines combine a state-of-the-art high-flux small angle scattering beamline with specialised in-line protein purification and preparation techniques for high-throughput protein analysis.

ANSTO User Meeting - Speakers
ANSTO User Meeting 2021 - Speakers

Role at ANSTO

Energy Materials
Creating a global energy system that is both environmentally and economically sustainable is unquestionably one of the largest challenges facing the scientific and engineering communities.
Micro-Computed Tomography beamline (MCT)
With enhanced submicron spatial resolution, speed and contrast, the Micro-Computed Tomography beamline opens a window on the micron-scale 3D structure of a wide range of samples relevant to many areas of science including life sciences, materials engineering, anthropology, palaeontology and geology. MCT will be able to undertake high-speed and high-throughput studies, as well as provide a range of phase-contrast imaging modalities.
End of an era for Australia’s first nuclear reactor

Role at ANSTO

Role at ANSTO

Archive of ANSTO research publications, seminars and short talks.

Nanoprobe beamline (NANO) UNDER CONSTRUCTION
The X-ray Fluorescence Nanoprobe beamline undertakes high-resolution X-ray microspectroscopy, elemental mapping and coherent diffraction imaging – providing a unique facility capable of spectroscopic and full-field imaging. Elemental mapping and XANES studies will be possible at sub-100 nm resolution, with structural features able to be studied down to 15 nm using scanning X-ray diffraction microscopy.
Publications and resources from the Powder Diffraction beamline.