Showing 181 - 200 of 257 results
Scholarship applications open
Applications are now being accepted for the Industry foundations Scholarship.
Role at ANSTO
ANSTO User Meeting - Speakers
ANSTO User Meeting 2021 - Speakers
Window into the cell
Access to a ‘window into the cell’ with University of Wollongong cryogenic electron microscope at ANSTO.
What is radiation?
Radiation can be described as energy or particles from a source that travel through space or other mediums. Light, heat, and wireless communications are all forms of radiation.
Role at ANSTO
Call for Proposals
Proposals at the Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering and National Deuteration Facility.
Beamline Proposal & Experiment Guide
Guide to successful proposals and experiments at the Powder Diffraction beamline.
Feather Map of Australia
Micro-Computed Tomography beamline (MCT)
With enhanced submicron spatial resolution, speed and contrast, the Micro-Computed Tomography beamline opens a window on the micron-scale 3D structure of a wide range of samples relevant to many areas of science including life sciences, materials engineering, anthropology, palaeontology and geology. MCT will be able to undertake high-speed and high-throughput studies, as well as provide a range of phase-contrast imaging modalities.
Role at ANSTO
Nuclear stewardship
ANSTO is Australia’s nuclear centre of excellence. It has a mandated role to advise the Australian Government on all nuclear and science technology matters.
ANSTO scientist awarded Nancy Millis Medal for Women in Science by the Australian Academy of Science
One of ANSTO’s most accomplished scientists and internationally recognised energy researchers, Prof Vanessa Peterson, has been awarded the Nancy Millis Medal for Woman in Science by the Australian Academy of Science this week.
Shorebirds Competition 2022
ANSTO is proud to host the Shorebirds Competition for the fifth year. This unique environmental poster competition is free to enter and offers over $4500 in prizes for students and schools!
Using nuclear techniques to track micronutrients applied to wheat crops
Researchers from Murdoch University and associated collaborators are using ANSTO’s unique nuclear capabilities to gain detailed information about how wheat crops take in administered micronutrients to maximise their efficient use.
Think Science! Bringing science skills together.
The Think Science! competition encourages students in Years 3-10 to learn science inquiry skills in a fun and accessible way! Entry is FREE and there are generous prizes for winning schools. Any topic can be chosen, and special materials are not required.
3D cell printing technology earns ANSTO Eureka Prize for Technology
Researchers and industry partners from UNSW Australia, the Australian Centre for Nanomedicine, Children’s Cancer Institute and Inventia Life Sciences Pty Ltd have been awarded the 2021 ANSTO Eureka Prize for Innovative Use of Technology for their method to rapidly-produce 3D cell structures
Keeping it dense
Leveraging over half a century of knowledge in the safe management of radioactive waste
ANSTO's Chief Nuclear Officer shares insights on the safe management of Australia's nuclear waste.