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Showing 161 - 180 of 528 results

instrument calibration

Instrument Calibration

ANSTO offers reliable and traceable calibration services for radiation survey meters, contamination monitors and electronic personal dosimeters.

Patricia Gadd
Science Research Leader and Instrument Scientist

Role at ANSTO

Highlights Cultural Heritage

Highlights - Cultural Heritage

Over the last decades, neutron, photon, and ion beams have been established as an innovative and attractive investigative approach to characterise cultural-heritage materials.

Sherry Headshot
Graduate Engineer

Sherry entered university, torn between the allure of science and the hands-on practicality of engineering. This lead her into the field of Material Science and Engineering.

Coin cell

Sample Information

How to prepare samples for analysis on the Powder Diffraction beamline.

Nanoprobe Satellite Building

Nanoprobe beamline (NANO) UNDER CONSTRUCTION

The X-ray Fluorescence Nanoprobe beamline undertakes high-resolution X-ray microspectroscopy, elemental mapping and coherent diffraction imaging – providing a unique facility capable of spectroscopic and full-field imaging. Elemental mapping and XANES studies will be possible at sub-100 nm resolution, with structural features able to be studied down to 15 nm using scanning X-ray diffraction microscopy.
