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view inside Synroc demonstration plant

ANSTO Synroc® Treatment Facility

ANSTO Synroc® is constructing an Australian radioactive waste treatment facility for the by-products of Molybdenum-99 (Mo-99) production.

Sherry Headshot
Graduate Engineer

Sherry entered university, torn between the allure of science and the hands-on practicality of engineering. This lead her into the field of Material Science and Engineering.

Smoke pollution

Highlights - Aerosol Sampling

ANSTO has been tracking and publishing data on fine particle pollution from key sites around Australia, and internationally, for more than 20 years.  

Scientific Computing

Scientific Computing

The Scientific Computing team supports researchers by performing numerical simulations that complement experimental research. In particular, we use state-of-the-art software to perform computational quantum mechanical modelling, molecular dynamics simulations, lattice dynamics calculation, data analysis and visualisations.

Partnerships at ANSTO


ANSTO works in partnerships and collaborative ventures with national and international organisations. Partner with ANSTO.

Pilot project re-designs instrument cabin

The first pilot project at the Australian Synchrotron takes place following a Memorandum of Understanding between nandin and Swinburne University of Technology and Design Factory Melbourne (DFM).
