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Showing 101 - 120 of 480 results

OPAL Reactor Core

What is radiation?

Radiation can be described as energy or particles from a source that travel through space or other mediums. Light, heat, and wireless communications are all forms of radiation.

Australian Synchrotron

The Australian Synchrotron

A world-class national research facility that uses accelerator technology to produce a powerful source of light-X rays and infrared radiation a million times brighter than the sun.

IAEA and ANSTO partner to support women in nuclear science and technology

This week women in science from 16 countries came together like never before. Inspiring women, young and old, were the first to complete the W4NSEC (Women for Nuclear Science Education and Communication) program that is designed to support women who are wanting to improve their education and communication skills in nuclear science.

Big Ideas forum 2020

Big Ideas

ANSTO Big Ideas encourages students to creatively communicate the work of an Australian scientist, and explain how their work has inspired them to come up with a Big Idea to make our world a better place. This competition is intended to engage and support Australian students in years 7-10 in Science and encourage them to pursue studies and careers in STEM.

Product photo of Gentech Generator and vials

ANSTO's Gentech® Generator

Supporting healthcare professionals in Australia with easy-to-access resources related to ANSTO’s Gentech® Generator.
