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Showing 101 - 120 of 262 results

Synchrotron scientist in team that makes historic meteorite find

ANSTO’s own meteorite hunter, who is also a planetary scientist and instrument scientist Dr Helen Brand took part in an expedition led by Professor Andy Tomkins of Monash University that has found the largest meteorite strewn field in Australia since the famous Murchison meteorite event in 1969.

Innovative cancer research

An ANSTO radiochemist has been awarded a scholarship to carry out research at the world-renowned Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York.

Chemical Elements banner image


ANSTO provides secondary students with a range of learning resources for those interested in science or studying for exams. For teachers, ANSTO provides learning resources and professional development, as well as in-school-term science tours and videoconferences. Workbooks are provided as required learning material to accompany a school visit to ANSTO. They can also be used on their own as a classroom resource.

Hutch B


Publications and resources from the Powder Diffraction beamline.

Woman in scanner

Human health research

Human health researchers at ANSTO use world-class nuclear and isotopic techniques to undertake research and development activities to address some of the most challenging health problems.
