Showing 81 - 100 of 692 results
What's new in nuclear power technologies
It's ANSTO's role to keep Australia across the very latest developments in nuclear science and technology from around the world. Part of this responsibility is keeping us abreast of the latest developments in nuclear power technologies.

Nuclear Medicine
ANSTO manufacture and supply a range of radiopharmaceuticals, radiochemicals, kits and accessories for use in research, industry and the health sector.

Energy use and emissions
Detailed data on ANSTO electricity use and CO2 emissions for FY2022 - FY2023

What is radiation?
Radiation can be described as energy or particles from a source that travel through space or other mediums. Light, heat, and wireless communications are all forms of radiation.
Appointment of new ANSTO CEO
The Chair of ANSTO, The Hon Dr Annabelle Bennett, AC SC, announced today that Mr Shaun Jenkinson has been appointed Chief Executive Officer of ANSTO following a global search for the position.

ANSTO is a highly regulated organisation. Our governance system and processes provide critical guidance to effectively manage ANSTO’s activities. This section outlines the processes and systems that are in place to provide assurance to Government, our stakeholders and the community that we are working within our regulated and mandated requirements.
Communicating the role of nuclear science for the IAEA’s Sustainable Development Goals
In cooperation with ANSTO and for the third year running, the IAEA has recently hosted a two-week online training course for women professionals working in numerous nuclear industries around the world, titled 'Women 4 Nuclear Science in Education and Communications'.
Volunteer Week: Part one

Learn from Australia's nuclear experts
With over 70 years of nuclear expertise, ANSTO offers expert education and training programs
ANSTO inspires young women into STEM careers
To celebrate International Women’s Day, ANSTO opened its doors to more than 50 female STEM students who heard from two accomplished ANSTO’s female scientists and STEM champions.
3D cell printing technology earns ANSTO Eureka Prize for Technology
Researchers and industry partners from UNSW Australia, the Australian Centre for Nanomedicine, Children’s Cancer Institute and Inventia Life Sciences Pty Ltd have been awarded the 2021 ANSTO Eureka Prize for Innovative Use of Technology for their method to rapidly-produce 3D cell structures
ANSTO contributes to new research could pave the way for safer and more efficient COVID-19 testing
International research led by Monash University and the Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity has achieved a proof of concept for a new, fast, portable saliva screening test that uses an infrared light technology to confirm infection with SARS-CoV-2.
NSW RFS Hazard Reduction Burn at ANSTO

Statement of Intent
In May 2023, The Honourable Dr Annabelle Bennett, ANSTO Board Chair, shared ANSTO's Statement of Intent with the Minister for Industry, Science and Technology.
Champions are accelerating progress in the empowerment of women
Class of 2021 - Bright Sparks Signal Bright Future for Australia
The 2021 intake of bright young graduates have arrived at the ANSTO Precinct at Lucas Heights and this week will commence their exciting new career to become the nation’s future leaders in STEM and innovation.
Radioactive waste briefing for Nuclear Medicine Specialists
Seven of Australia’s top nuclear medicine professionals have been briefed on ANSTO’s plans to manage radioactive waste, as well as to support nuclear medicine innovation in Australia.
French International Scholarship Exchange

Big Ideas
ANSTO Big Ideas encourages students to creatively communicate the work of an Australian scientist, and explain how their work has inspired them to come up with a Big Idea to make our world a better place. This competition is intended to engage and support Australian students in years 7-10 in Science and encourage them to pursue studies and careers in STEM.