PhD awarded
Robert Russell has been awarded his PhD
Showing 761 - 780 of 814 results
Robert Russell has been awarded his PhD
New infrared imaging technique reveals molecular orientation of proteins in silk fibres
Collaborative research predicted the distortion and performance of metal parts made by laser deposition.
Ongoing media statements relating to nuclear medicine production.
Discussions were held on possible areas on cooperation including research reactor operation and utilisation, environmental monitoring of mining tails, and food provenance.
The process by which plastic degrades in the ocean facilitates its entry into the natural carbon cycle efficiently as carbon dioxide.
This week, ANSTO hosted the 10th annual Regional Advisory Safety Committee for research reactors in Asia pacific (RASCAP). This a joint IAEA-Asian Nuclear Safety Network (ANSN) supported forum to foster networking and regional cooperation, and for facilitating use of competencies in the region to cover specific safety issues in research reactors.
Frequently asked questions about beamtime, accommodation and the user portal.
In an effort to understand why the Tongan Hunga volcano eruption was so explosive, internationally-recognised volcanologist Prof. Shane Cronin of the University of Auckland and associates rely on beamlines at the Australian Synchrotron to support comprehensive research on the Hunga event.
Think Science! 2023 Summary and Results