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Showing 701 - 720 of 1435 results

Soft x-ray spectroscopy

Soft x-ray spectroscopy

Soft x-rays are generally understood to be x-rays in the energy range 100-3,000 eV. They have insufficient energy to penetrate the beryllium window of a hard x-ray beamline but have energies higher than that of extreme ultraviolet light.

Appointment of new ANSTO CEO

The Chair of ANSTO, The Hon Dr Annabelle Bennett, AC SC, announced today that Mr Shaun Jenkinson has been appointed Chief Executive Officer of ANSTO following a global search for the position.

Infrared microspectroscopy

Infrared microspectroscopy

The Infrared Microspectroscopy beamline combines the high brilliance and collimation of the synchrotron beam through a Bruker V80v Fourier Transform Infrared (FTIR) spectrometer and into a Hyperion 3000 IR microscope to reach high signal-to-noise ratios at diffraction limited spatial resolutions between 3-8 μm.

Scientist at Pixe microbeam on the Sirius accelerator

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Quantum technologies

Quantum technologies

ANSTOs capabilities are ideally suited for these investigations relating to quantum technologies.

Rock art dating

Development of new techniques makes it possible to date Australian Aboriginal rock art.


Reducing cadmium in cocoa

New international limits on the cadmium content of cacao products have spurred research to discover how cadmium accumulates in cacao beans, and the effects of processing.
