ANSTO: A global leader in radiation safety and radioactive waste management
ANSTO: Australia’s knowledge centre for nuclear science and engineering.
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ANSTO: Australia’s knowledge centre for nuclear science and engineering.
Choose from our list of research topics and let your students lead a 30 minute Q&A session with our ANSTO experts.
ANSTO's Mo-99 manufacturing facility secures Australia’s ability to produce Mo-99 to meet current and future domestic demand and provide a significant proportion to support global demand.
Australia’s Open Pool Australian Lightwater (OPAL) reactor is a state-of-the-art 20 megawatt multi-purpose reactor that uses low enriched uranium (LEU) fuel to achieve a range of activities to benefit human health, enable research to support a more sustainable environment and provide innovative solutions for industry.
Nuclear engineer, Robert Mardus-Hall, with his research partner Andrew Pastrello, are developing nuclear power based solutions for space missions to the Moon and Mars.
An initiative for National Science Week 2024 the Shorebirds Competition addresses the 2024 theme for National Science Week, ‘Species Survival’ and provides unique cross-curricula learning for Australian primary students in Years 3 to 6.
Innovative medical device Rhenium-SCT® therapy for non-melanoma skin cancer is now available in Australia
Read about an ANSTO scientist and their work to prepare for a school project or interview.
PhD candidate Vienna Wong is using her FutureNow Scholarship to research ultra-high temperature ceramics, which are emerging materials for extreme environments.
The Medium Energy- X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy beamlines will provide access to XANES and EXAFS data from a bending magnet source, optimised for cutting-edge applications in biological, agricultural and environmental science in an energy range that is not currently available at the Australia Synchrotron.
Detailed data on ANSTO electricity use and CO2 emissions for FY2022 - FY2023
ANSTO operates Work Health and Safety and Environmental Management Systems designed to ensure the safety of its employees, partners and members of the public to minimise the impact of our activities on the environment.
ANSTO is celebrating the official opening of HIFAR, Australia’s first nuclear reactor, sixty-five years ago.
ANSTO commenced an aerosol sampling program thirty years ago this week to characterise these pollutants and ultimately, identify their sources, which has taken it to the forefront of environmental monitoring of this type in Australia and the region.
In accordance with the Trust Deed, the United Uranium Scholarship is awarded to ‘promising young scientists’ from any Australian organisation or institution whose research or work is in the field of nuclear energy.
ANSTO’s Innovation Precinct welcomes NSW Government’s $12.5 commitment funding.
Dingo sees through heavy corrosion to help dentify an historic firearm.