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Showing 521 - 540 of 571 results

Carbon ion therapy

The Japanese experience with leading-edge radiation treatment for cancer shows tremndous success

MEX Hutch A

Medium Energy X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy Beamline (MEX-1 and MEX-2)

The Medium Energy- X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy beamlines will provide access to XANES and EXAFS data from a bending magnet source, optimised for cutting-edge applications in biological, agricultural and environmental science in an energy range that is not currently available at the Australia Synchrotron.

New underground lab to shed light on dark matter

Stage 1 of the Stawell Underground Physics Laboratory was officially opened today. It will be home to multi-disciplinary scientists from five research partners who help us understand dark matter.


Anonymised Review

ANSTO has agreed to participate in an Australian trial of a review of research infrastructure access proposals in which applicants remain anonymous to aid the removal of structural barriers to the career progression of Women in STEM.
