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Showing 481 - 500 of 960 results

Synchrotron scientist in team that makes historic meteorite find

ANSTO’s own meteorite hunter, who is also a planetary scientist and instrument scientist Dr Helen Brand took part in an expedition led by Professor Andy Tomkins of Monash University that has found the largest meteorite strewn field in Australia since the famous Murchison meteorite event in 1969.

oil emulsion

Deuterated mineral oil enables polymer research

The National Deuteration Facility has supported industry through the synthesis of deuterated mineral oil, which was supplied to Japanese chemical manufacturer Mitsui Chemicals. Mitsui Chemicals specialises in polymeric materials for packaging, appliances, construction and other applications. 

Understanding the full impact of radiation on astronauts

Understanding the full impact of radiation on astronauts

In space, without the protection of the magnetosphere, the type and dose of radiation is considerably different to what is naturally experienced on earth. However, it is the secondary particles of lower energies created when galactic and cosmic radiation interacts with shielding that is of concern for astronauts.

International Space Station

Understanding the full impact of radiation on astronauts

In collaboration with the French National Institute of Health and Medical Research (INSERM) and the French International Space Agency (CNES), ANSTO scientists are undertaking research on the radiobiological effects of secondary particles that are created when radiation interacts with the shielding on the International Space Station.

Bilby - Small Angle Neutron Scattering

Bilby - Small Angle Neutron Scattering

The instrument is very well suited for the study of kinetic effects, like relaxation following a chemical reaction, or external impulses like mechanical deformation, an electric or magnetic field.

Elements banner

Elements in the 21st Century

Do you love science? Here is a competition for you that combines chemistry and creativity! Discover the world of elements and create a poster for your favourite element in this new competition for school aged students.

Award-winning research publication on superalloys

Industrial Engagement Manager at ANSTO and Professor in Advanced Structural Materials at the University of Sydney, Anna Paradowska is among the authors who contributed to a 2019 paper that was recently awarded the ASM International ASM Henry Marion Howe Medal in Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A.

Renewed agreement with Japanese research organisations to bolster cooperation in neutron science and technology

ANSTO renewed its Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the Japan Proton Accelerator Research Complex (J-PARC) operated by the High Energy Accelerator Research Organisation (KEK) and Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA). Now broadened to include their partner Comprehensive Research Organization for Science and Society (CROSS), the signing took place early in the year and a celebratory workshop was held late July.
