Showing 481 - 500 of 1045 results
What's new in nuclear power technologies
It's ANSTO's role to keep Australia across the very latest developments in nuclear science and technology from around the world. Part of this responsibility is keeping us abreast of the latest developments in nuclear power technologies.
Material with molecular trapdoor holds promise for highly selective gas adsorption
An international team led by scientists at City University of Hong Kong has found flexible metal-organic framework (MOF) with one-dimensional channels that acts as a “molecular trapdoor” to selectively adsorb gases, such as carbon dioxide, in response to temperature and pressure changes.
Highlights - Aerosol Sampling
ANSTO has been tracking and publishing data on fine particle pollution from key sites around Australia, and internationally, for more than 20 years.
Secrets of spider web strength revealed
Synchrotron infrared technique reveals first insights into evolution and structure of Australian basket-web spider’s silk.
Award-winning research publication on superalloys
Industrial Engagement Manager at ANSTO and Professor in Advanced Structural Materials at the University of Sydney, Anna Paradowska is among the authors who contributed to a 2019 paper that was recently awarded the ASM International ASM Henry Marion Howe Medal in Metallurgical and Materials Transactions A.
New technique to improve global climate models
An investigation that set out to resolve some of the uncertainty in the sources and quantities of pollutants reaching Antarctica has produced a new experimental technique to identify and characterise recently terrestrially-influenced air reaching Antarctica.
Safeguarding the future of nuclear medicine production
The Government is safeguarding Australia’s sovereign capability to produce vital nuclear medicines by launching a $30 million project to design a new world-leading manufacturing facility to be built at Lucas Heights in Sydney.
Submissions to nuclear inquiries
ANSTO has made two public submissions to parliamentary inquiries with another to be submitted in February 2020 on matters relating to nuclear technologies, their peaceful applications, and the nuclear fuel cycle.
Rhodium nanoparticles
Successful synthesis of nano-material that improves catalytic converter efficiency.
Exhibition recognised with prestigious MAGNA 2022 Research award
A Powerhouse exhibition was recognised with a prestigious Museums and Galleries National Award for Research at a ceremony in Perth this morning. The Invisible Revealed exhibition was organised in collaboration with ANSTO and the University of NSW.
Scientists to tap underground African water supplies
Expertise in characterising materials for lithium ion batteries
Pioneering work on materials for energy production, such as lithium ion batteries, has made ANSTO a centre of specialist capabilities and expertise.
Giant clams open up climate secrets
Think Science! Bringing science skills together.
The Think Science! competition encourages students in Years 3-10 to learn science inquiry skills in a fun and accessible way! Entry is FREE and there are generous prizes for winning schools. Any topic can be chosen, and special materials are not required.
Delivery schedule
Latest information on the scheduled supply of our nuclear medicine production.
Chronic kidney disease of unknown origin
In 2017, ANSTO's CEO signed a Memorandum of Understanding with Sri Lanka to work together to investigate the epidemiology of Chronic Kidney Disease of unknown origin (CKDu).
Research captures dynamic atomic interactions in a promising sodium ion battery material
Investigators from UNSW and ANSTO have provided insights into the dynamic interactions of atoms in a promising material for sodium-ion batteries.
Accelerator technique useful for biomedical engineering
Accelerator technique used in pioneering biomaterials research led by the University of Sydney.
Critical minerals projects funded under Australian Research Centre Projects Program
ANSTO is contributing to key critical minerals projects funded by the Federal Government.