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Eduroam Service

Eduroam Service

ANSTO provides eduroam services for partnering institutions in Australia and around the world.


How safe is OPAL?

The OPAL research reactor's design and integrated safety features mean it is extremely safe; a fact confirmed by independent analysis.

Dr Inna Karatchevtseva
Material scientist

Role at ANSTO

Dr Inna Karatchevtseva undertakes work at ANSTO in two main areas: defence industry research and fundamental materials research.

Health Physics Surveyor, Radiation Services

As Health Physics Surveyor at ANSTO, Harry conducts surveys of sites assessing radiation from various radioactive sources ensuring compliance in line with relevant regulations and policies.

ANSTO Staff member reviewing data on computer screen in Minerals pilot facility


ANSTO has a full suite of mineralogical, chemical and hydrometallurgical facilities from laboratory through to pilot scale.

Gita Rahardjo
Commercial Technical Consultant, NST Strategic Research Services and Engagement

Role at ANSTO

Dr Helen Brand
Senior Scientist - Powder Diffraction

Helen's research interests focus on determining the thermoelastic properties and crystal chemistry of a range of minerals which are of interest in a variety of environmental, planetary geology and industrial settings.

Dave Filipetto
Acting Group Executive ANSTO Maintenance and Engineering

Dave Filipetto has over 30 years’ experience in senior management roles leading large engineering businesses and continuous improvement / business transformation campaigns predominantly in air and rail transport industries.

Evidence of spin nematic

Evidence for existence of a highly exotic and elusive state of matter, known as a magnetic ‘spin nematic’ phase in a natural mineral called linarite.
