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Showing 441 - 460 of 960 results

Safeguarding the future of nuclear medicine production

Safeguarding the future of Australia's nuclear medicine

The new facility will be built around a product line of ANSTO’s design – a new Technetium-99m generator – that will enable greater process automation than is possible with existing technology, leading to improvements in efficiency, quality and importantly the highest levels of production safety.

Synchrotron Building - Mezzanine

Synchrotron commercial services

The Australian Synchrotron is a source of powerful X-rays and infrared radiation that can be used for a wide range of scientific and technical purposes. Synchrotron X-rays are millions of times brighter than those produced by conventional X-ray machines in laboratories and hospitals.

Association award

Neutron association award to energy materials researcher Prof Vanessa Peterson.

Quantum technologies

Quantum technologies

ANSTOs capabilities are ideally suited for these investigations relating to quantum technologies.

MEX Hutch A

Medium Energy X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy Beamline (MEX-1 and MEX-2)

The Medium Energy- X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy beamlines will provide access to XANES and EXAFS data from a bending magnet source, optimised for cutting-edge applications in biological, agricultural and environmental science in an energy range that is not currently available at the Australia Synchrotron.

Micro-Computed Tomography beamline (MCT)

Micro-Computed Tomography beamline (MCT)

With enhanced submicron spatial resolution, speed and contrast, the Micro-Computed Tomography beamline opens a window on the micron-scale 3D structure of a wide range of samples relevant to many areas of science including life sciences, materials engineering, anthropology, palaeontology and geology. MCT will be able to undertake high-speed and high-throughput studies, as well as provide a range of phase-contrast imaging modalities.
