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Product photo of Gentech Generator and vials

ANSTO's Gentech® Generator

Supporting healthcare professionals in Australia with easy-to-access resources related to ANSTO’s Gentech® Generator.

Primary School Education

Primary Education

Discover a world of science with fun primary school student activities, exciting competitions and unique tour experiences.

procurement ansto

Procurement Policy

ANSTO's procurement policy is closely aligned with the Commonwealth Procurement Guidelines and makes use of the Australian National Audit Office guidelines on ethics, accountability and transparency.

I-131 with casing


Health Products pricing, effective from 1 October 2022.

conveyor belt moving iron ore

Resources Sector

Our world is rapidly transitioning to renewable energy and electric transport systems that require the safe and efficient mining of various metals.

Governance at ANSTO


ANSTO is a highly regulated organisation. Our governance system and processes provide critical guidance to effectively manage ANSTO’s activities. This section outlines the processes and systems that are in place to provide assurance to Government, our stakeholders and the community that we are working within our regulated and mandated requirements.

Lucas Heights Weather Station

Lucas Heights Weather Station

ANSTO continually collects meteorological data from its 50-metre tower. A summary of ANSTO's climate statistics including temperature, wind speed and direction, relative humidity, atmospheric pressure and rainfall recorded at this location are provided below.


Radiation Monitoring

ANSTO continually monitors environmental gamma radiation from a station located in Engadine NSW. ANSTO uses environmental radiation data to evaluate atmospheric dispersion from its site. This radiation is almost completely natural background radiation.

Competitions at ANSTO

Competitions at ANSTO

ANSTO holds a variety of citizen science competitions every year for primary and secondary school-aged students and the general public to win great prizes.

Science Education

Education Programs

ANSTO's education team located in the Discovery Centre offers a wide variety of learning resources and engaging content that aligns with the NSW curriculum, as well as offering the general public insights into science, ingenuity and sustainability.
