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Showing 321 - 340 of 960 results

Monitoring fine particle air pollution in Newcastle

ANSTO has been measuring and characterising fine particle pollution from key sites around Australia for more than 30 years. This data set provides records from 1998 to 2019 of the concentration of 12 elements present in fine airborne particulate matter from an air sampling station located in Mayfield in Newcastle, NSW.

The world’s best radon detector just got smaller

The need for a smaller, more transportable version of ANSTO’s 1500-litre atmospheric radon-222 monitor, and with a calibration traceable to the International System of Units, prompted the team to develop a 200-litre radon monitor that would meet those needs.

Jarosite on Earth and Mars

Useful in some mineral processes but a major problem in others, jarosite may be the key to unlocking the geological history and environmental context of water on Mars.

Hackathon success continues

ANSTO-nandin hackathon teams have combined skills using science and business innovation in three successive events.

PET scan animal brain

Preclinical imaging

Expertise in the use of PET and SPECT imaging techniques to understand biological processes at the cellular and molecular level. The techniques ae also used to study disease processes and monitor the effects of new therapies

Air pollution from combustion processes in Newcastle

Combustion reactions in vehicles, household woodfires and coal-fired power plants all result in fine particle air pollution in the air we breathe. ANSTO has been measuring and characterising fine particle pollution from key sites around Australia for more than 30 years. This data set provides records from 1998 to 2019 of the concentration of 12 elements present in fine airborne particulate matter from an air sampling station located in Mayfield in Newcastle, NSW.


Nuclear Medicine

ANSTO manufacture and supply a range of radiopharmaceuticals, radiochemicals, kits and accessories for use in research, industry and the health sector.

CORIS360 Imaging technology

Compressed sensing technology

Using the theory of compressed sensing technology, a team of physicists and scientists invented and developed the CORIS360® platform imaging technology. Compressed sensing imaging can generate an image with far fewer samples compared with traditional imaging techniques.
