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Con Lyras
Group Executive Capital Programs & Chief Engineer

Con was appointed Group Executive Major Capital Projects to focus exclusively on supporting ANSTO’s growth for the future.  

mining trucks creating dust

Air Quality

ANSTO uses atmospheric radioactivity measurements, fine particle sampling and composition analysis to understand the source and impact of harmful air pollution on human health and the environment.

Beamtime Guide - X-ray Fluorescence Microscopy

Beamtime Guide - XFM

Beamtime Guide on the X-ray Fluorescence Microscopy beamline at the Australian Synchrotron.

Jack the Super Prawn

Jack the Super Prawn

Jack the Super Prawn lives in the Barrier Reef and uses his powers to protect the environment. With JackVac, he cleans up rubbish and impurities in seawater. With JackCopter, he soars high into the air, where you wouldn't normally see a prawn. Of course, powers like that help Jack find and clear up waste plastic. But Jack's main job is to educate young readers.

Little forest legacy site

Little forest legacy site

ANSTO is responsible for the Little Forest Legacy Site (LFLS) located within the ANSTO Buffer Zone boundary. This site, formerly known as the Little Forest Burial Ground (LFBG), was used by the Australian Atomic Energy Commission (AAEC) during the 1960’s to dispose of waste containing low levels of radioactivity and beryllium oxide (non-radioactive) in a series of shallow trenches. There has been regular monitoring of the site since 1966 and the results have been reported in ANSTO’s environmental monitoring reports.

Novel idea of recycling CO2 in mining earns scientist win in Falling Walls Lab

Dr Jessica Hamilton, a beamline scientist at the Australian Synchrotron, has won the Falling Walls Lab competition hosted by the Australian Academy of Science for her 3 minute presentation on a novel approach to using mining waste for carbon dioxide capture and a source of carbonate minerals. The event is held to deliver solutions to some of the most promising challenges of our time.

Artist impression of new buildings for ANSTO's Innovation Precinct

Innovation Precinct

We are opening up ANSTO’s deep technology Innovation Precinct to universities, industries and new innovation partners.
