Funding supports biomedical research
ANSTO part of consortium funded by Federal Government to develop new radioimmunological drugs.
Showing 21 - 40 of 78 results
ANSTO part of consortium funded by Federal Government to develop new radioimmunological drugs.
ANSTO recently hosted a public Ask Us Anything event on nuclear medicine, sharing information on how we safely manufacture and distribute nuclear medicine across Australia each week to hundreds of hospitals and clinics.
Research collaboration with University of Sydney focuses on a personalised approach to cancer treatment.
Scientists at ANSTO together with Lithium Australia Limited (LIT) have developed a world-first technology to extract more lithium from lithium mining waste, in a game-changer for Australian lithium industry.
Two early career nuclear scientists who received international scholarships have spent time in the Nuclear Fuel Cycle group at ANSTO are making progress on their work to improve nuclear fuel.
ANSTO participates in nuclear medicine congress
This month ANSTO is opening its doors to 11 talented young people from across Australia as the two-year Graduate Program kickstarts.
Useful in some mineral processes but a major problem in others, jarosite may be the key to unlocking the geological history and environmental context of water on Mars.
Imaging protocol assesses molecular mechanism of work in the treatment of deadly childhood cancer neuroblastoma.
Modified component of green tea promises potential neuroblastoma treatment.
There has been an increasing pressure on construction industrial sector to utilise innovative materials that not only meet the requirements of ambitious architectural designs, but also reduce CO2 emissions.
Theinstrument is typically used to study diffusing water molecules or yet larger molecules like polymers or biological molecules. In addition, Emu can reveal quantum-mechanical tunnelling.
The Government is safeguarding Australia’s sovereign capability to produce vital nuclear medicines by launching a $30 million project to design a new world-leading manufacturing facility to be built at Lucas Heights in Sydney.
Winners of the Big Ideas Competition 2021
An ANSTO radiochemist has been awarded a scholarship to carry out research at the world-renowned Sloan Kettering Cancer Center in New York.
Resources and a list of user publications associated with Infrared microspectroscopy.