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ANSTO Publications Online (APO)

ANSTO Library

ANSTO Publications Online is a digital repository for publications authored by ANSTO staff and collaborators since 1956.

Licence awarded

Australia’s new state-of-the-art nuclear medicine facility gets green light.

Detection and Imaging team

About us

The Detection & Imaging group builds on ANSTO’s 70-year history of scientific achievements and contributions in meeting the nuclear needs of industry, globally.

MEX Hutch A

Medium Energy X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy Beamline (MEX-1 and MEX-2)

The Medium Energy- X-ray Absorption Spectroscopy beamlines will provide access to XANES and EXAFS data from a bending magnet source, optimised for cutting-edge applications in biological, agricultural and environmental science in an energy range that is not currently available at the Australia Synchrotron.
