Sample mountings
Sample changers
Several temperature controlled or rotating samples changers for small angle neutron scattering (SANS) instruments are available for use, as well as robots for powder diffraction and texture measurements. A variety of sample cells for SANS instruments are also available.
Sample alignment robots
We have a range of Eulerian cradles and a robotic goniometer for sample alignment.
Sample positioning probes
Our furnaces and cryostats are automatically provided with an accompanying sample positioning probe. However, specialised probes are available to extend the temperature range or add gas delivery capabilities to some furnaces and cryofurnaces. Please consult with the Sample Environment group before booking any of these specialised probes.
Pressure devices
We have a variety of pressure devices available including a load frame, a Paris-Edinburgh cell, and several sample cells for gas delivery experiments. Please contact the Sample Environment group for advice regarding the selection of pressure devices.