Dr Nick Hauser received his PhD in Physics from the University of Technology Sydney in 1994. His research interests were electrical, optical and chemical characterisation of electrical insulators in collaboration with Sydney County Council and Electricity Commission. He worked for 3 years at AWA Defence and Aerospace Research Labs in Sydney as a Materials Scientist, and worked in projects including collaboration with AWA Microelectronics on the fabrication of thin film hybrids for high speed telecommunications devices and with AMBRI on biosensors.
He worked at the Australian National University for 3 years to develop new facilities for electrical and optical characterisation of semiconductors with the Research School of Physics. His interests were in the design and implementation of electronics and computer automated scientific instruments.
He broadened his information technology expertise, working as a systems administrator at ANU, then as a contract analyst/programmer and project manager for a total of 5 years. He worked on optimisation problems in economics, including models of water and power industries in Australia.
In 2002 he moved to the Bragg Institute, forming a team of talented computing and electronics professionals to build and operate a suite of neutron beam instruments. His responsibilities were detectors, motion control, PLC, instrument and sample environment control, experiment design and execution, data acquisition and data reduction, computing infrastructure and networks, and user portal. He has setup collaborative projects between the Bragg Institute and neutron and synchrotron facilities and the Australian National Data Service.
One of his software development teams won the Eclipse Community Award for Best Open Source Rich Client Application of the Year 2006 for Gumtree, an instrument control and data processing application.
He actively promotes collaboration between facilities. He was program chair for ICALEPCS 2015 conference, international committee chair for the NOBUGS conference series 2010-12 NOBUGS, local organising committee chair for 2008 NOBUGS conference, and co-editor and local organising committee member for ICNS2005. He is a referee for Nuclear Instruments and Methods in Physics Research, A.