Role at ANSTO
Justin manages a range of gamma and x-ray irradiation facilities that provide low- and high-dose irradiation and dosimetry capabilities for research and agriculture, healthcare and materials industries.
After completing a B Med Phys (Hons) in 1999, Justin worked in radiation metrology maintaining standards in radioactivity and dosimetry as well as in the high dose irradiation capability before accepting his current position in 2005. He completed a PhD in radiation dosimetry in 2013.
Research interests and areas of expertise
Justin’s expertise lies in ionising radiation dosimetry to support low dose applications such as the impact of ionising radiation on living matter through to high-dose applications such as vaccine development.
Qualifications & Achievements
PhD, University of Sydney (2013)
B Med Phys (Hons), University of Wollongong (1998)