Role at ANSTO
Francesca Gissi is an ecotoxicologist who investigates the impacts of pollutants on the aquatic environment. Francesca’s current research focus aims to understand the potential risk associated with mercury in subsea oil and gas pipelines. She uses radioisotope tracers of mercury to understand the methylation, fate and transport of inorganic and organic forms of mercury through the marine environment (sediment, water and biota). This research contributes to a larger project at ANSTO, Offshore Infrastructure Decommissioning where our team are working with the offshore petroleum industry to assist in providing a scientific basis for their decommissioning planning.
She is passionate about science outreach and communication. Through her role as Vice President at SETAC, Francesca is actively working on indigenous engagement and diversity and inclusion. Francesca also enjoys mentoring students.
- Environmental chemistry
- Ecotoxicology
- Molecular biology, eDNA
- Radioecology, radiotracers
- Environmental risk assessment
- Aquatic ecosystems
- Water and sediment quality guidelines
- Trace metals, ICP-AES, Gamma Spectrometry
- Student supervision and mentoring
- Science communication and outreach
- Student mentor (through RACI and SETAC)
Qualifications and Achievements
- ANSTO Graduate Institute Future Now Scholar 2021/2022.
- Co-supervision of a Masters student, Western Sydney University, 2021 – present.
- Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC)/International Copper Association Chris Lee Award for Metals Research
- PhD Aquatic Ecotoxicology, University of Wollongong, CSIRO, NiPERA Inc. 2015-2018. Thesis title: Biological effects of nickel on tropical marine biota to underpin the development of water quality guidelines for metals.
- AINSE Postgraduate Research Award, 2015 – 2018.
- Australian Marine Science Association (AMSA) Allen Award, Adelaide, July 2018
- SETAC/Procter & Gamble Fellowship for Doctoral Research in Environmental Science,
- Bachelor of Science Honours, First Class, University of Wollongong, CSIRO, Australian Antarctic Division, 2013-2014.Thesis title: Ecotoxicity testing with Antarctic marine microalgae: Investigating their sensitivity to metals.
Committees, Affiliations & memberships
- Mercury Australia Symposium, Co-Chair hosted by ANSTO, December, 2021
- Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry (SETAC) Asia Pacific Board member, June 2021 - present
- SETAC Australasia, Vice President, September 2021 – present
- Chair of SETAC Asia Pacific Student Advisory Council (APSAC), 2017 – 2018
- Student representative on the SETAC Asia Pacific Board, 2017 – 2018
- Invited early career researcher, Bioavailability-based water quality criteria/standards for metals, Technical Workshop, organized by SETAC, 2017, Florida U.S
- Vice-Chair and Founding Member APSAC, 2016-2017
- SETAC Australasia student representative on Council, 2015-2017