Role at ANSTO
Starting from July 2008, Bin joins in a team in the Institute for Environmental Research working on radiocarbon (14C) dating and its application by applying Accelerator Mass Spectrometry. He is currently working on the project of 'Cosmogenic Climate Archives of the Southern Hemisphere' for studing 14C signatures of greenhouse gases.
His principal involvement is to improve a facility for preparing and measuring 14C in ultra-small carbon samples. He commenced his work at ANSTO in 2004 on material science research for syntheses and investigation of photoelectronchemical properties of several nanostructured materials such as WO3 and TiO2.
Prior to that, his research at the University of Chicago, focussed on structural study of liquid metal and alloy (such as liquid gallium and lead) surface by using synchrotron radiation at NSLS in Brookhaven National Laboratory and at APS in Argonne National Laboratory in the USA. He also has sound research experience in characterization of materials by utilizing X-ray diffraction, because of his earlier career in the University of Ancona, Italy. In summary, he has broad research experience in environmental science, physics, and chemistry has more than 40 published papers.
Accelerator mass spectrometry, Micro-carbon, 14C, Synchrotron radiation, X-ray diffraction, GIXD, SEM, Computer simulation Sol-gel synthesis, Photoelectrochemistry, Dye sensitized solar cell.
Qualifications & Achievements
- Research Scientist, the University of Chicago.
- Referee of some high impact journals such ChemComm and Journal of Material Chemistry.
- Ph.D in Physics, University of Bologna, Italy.
- BS. in Physics, Zhongshan University, China.