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A new radiocarbon dating facility opened at the University of New South Wales (UNSW) will complement the extensive radiocarbon facilities at ANSTO’s world-leading Centre for Accelerator Science
Dr Ceri Brenner appointed new leader of the Centre for Accelerator Science
ANSTO launches new area of space research in collaboration with the National Centre for Space Studies and the National Institute of Health and Medical research in France.
Explore ANSTO's range of publications and reports available for the public.
ANSTO User Meeting 2021 - Speakers
ANSTO is a unique national science organisation that began operating under its predecessor The Australian Atomic Energy Commission (AAEC) 70 years ago.
Although Australia does not use nuclear energy for power needs, it does have the nuclear capabilities, knowledge, and expertise provided by ANSTO to ensure the national interest in nuclear matters is protected and advanced.
In 2023 we’re celebrating the 70th Anniversary since Australia began developing our nation’s Australia’s nuclear capabilities.
In May 2023, The Honourable Dr Annabelle Bennett, ANSTO Board Chair, shared ANSTO's Statement of Intent with the Minister for Industry, Science and Technology.
ANSTO researchers have demonstrated longstanding expertise in the study of nuclear fuel and radioactive waste with two recent journal articles in a special issue of Frontiers of Chemistry.