Published on the 12th April 2018 by ANSTO Staff

The Australian Centre for Neutron Scattering is currently hosting three International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) scientific visitors; Muhammad Refai Muslih, Achmad Ramadhani and Rifky Apriansyah, from Indonesia’s National Nuclear Energy Agency (BATAN), who are being provided with an overview of the KOWARI, TAIPAN and DINGO instruments.
As part of their itinerary, the visitors were given the opportunity to observe and participate in three types of experiments on KOWARI: a stress scanning experiment on steel welds; a texture experiment on deformed geo-materials; and in-situ loading experiments using deuterated ice samples .
The knowledge exchange included hardware, instrument control software and data analysis, and processing routines.
The visitors will have the opportunity to observe the varied research activities undertaken at ANSTO and learn best practice for procedures used by ANSTO scientists on the neutron instruments.
These procedures will be considered for implementation at BATAN’s neutron scattering facility upon the visitors’ return to Indonesia.
The Scientific Visit is being undertaken as part of the International Atomic Energy Agency’s (IAEA’s) Technical Cooperation Programme (TCP). Scientific Visits are intended to broaden the scientific or managerial qualifications of specialists in developing countries.
ANSTO’s International Affairs facilitate all IAEA Fellowships and Scientific Visits to Australia under the IAEA’s TCP.